Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Journal Entry #9


The women is bulemic.
The women is throwing up due to pressure of having to look good.
Obsessions can lead to a health problems in the future. 


Fast food is unhealthy.
Fast food can lead to death.
Fast food is bad because of how they make the food.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

questions for Active Reading pg.385

1.) Some of the facts that Gould presents as support the theory of evolution are the tree of evolutionary descent linking all organisms by ties of genealogy.  Another is that part of a hierarchy of confidence running down hill fact to theory to hypothesis to guess.

2)Some of the inferences that Gould presents evidence to support the theory of evolution are evidence from the field and laboratory that are direct observational evidence of evolution in action.  Another fact is that the imperfection of nature reveals evolution.  Evolution lies exposed in the imperfections that record a history of descent.  The third fact is that transitions are often found in the fossils records.

3.) No, I did not know about this event, but I would say that my understanding of it was not reduced.  I would actually say that I have a better understanding of this and wish to know more about the trial of 1925.

Questions for Active Reading pg.371

1.) I would say that the technique from chapter 2 saying by reading the first and last paragraph and by doing that you will get a good idea of what the article is about and that it is a good technique.  I believe it is a good technique because in this writing it gave me a brief outlook of what to expect to start to read about.

2.) It is important to know that Lightman is a scientist because it makes the reading more believable when you are reading the passage.  It also makes the passage more interesting and more understanding when reading this passage.  It makes this reading more likely to be favorable in this category.  No, I do not believe that an artist or a social worker can write about this subject because they do not have the knowledge or the same outlook on it that a scientist does about this information. 

3.) Lightman seems to be using a lighthearted tone in the first few paragraphs of the reading to explain his point.  Some phrases that show this are, "When you think about it, most of you supply believe what you hear.  "Also", round or flat, whatever.  It's not a life-or-death matter, unless you happen to live near the edge."  "He is being serious when he says," The round Earth, being the obvious center of the universe, provides a fixed pivot for the assembly."  The effect of these tones give his writing a personal effect that helps him connect to his readers.

Journal #8


-This persuasive image is claiming that this guy wants to get a loan for money, but the loan officer wanted more collateral besides the "statement" that they guy gave him. This is talking about the loan officer needing more promising items so that he knows that the guy getting the loan will pay it back.  It is very persuasive because because the guy is trying to get the loan without even giving the guy anything besides a promise, which obviously isn't good enough for taking out a money loan.    This guy thinks he's so persuasive by not even giving the loan officer anything, but the loan officer isn't that nice.

Active Reading pg 158

1.)  1.) The way that I would revise my essay from using Murray’s elements for writing would be, I would go back and look on how I wrote it, depending on if the audience would understand it.  Also, I would make sure that my structure would be a good one and to not have it all choppy.  I would also check that I have good and valid information that makes sense and that the audience will understand the meaning of the paper.

2.)  2.) Yes I did read my essay a loud to myself and let me say that when reading it out loud you really do find all the mistakes while you listen to yourself read it.  I was able to find run on sentences as well as forgetting the commas, so it definitely does help to read your work out loud to make sure it sounds good enough.

3.) In my opinion it doesn’t really influence me more, it just helps me understand it better when a writer uses other people’s quotes.  The way it helps me out its that he uses other information to prove his points, so I understand it better then if he didn’t do what he did

Journal # 7

1.)In this essay, Orwell suggests that the English language is on the decline because the people who use English are misusing the language. What sort of things does he mention as proof that the English language is in trouble?
 -Orwell mentions about how English is used in abbreviations and not just direct talk.  For example, instant messaging is a good example because it shows how people in this day in age use shortening of the words so that they wouldn’t have to write the whole word out.  Orwell also mentioned, “It becomes ugly and inaccurate because our thoughts are foolish, but the slovenliness of our language makes it easier for us to have foolish thoughts”.

 2.)Orwell wrote this essay almost 60 years ago. Do you think the English language is in a better or worse condition than when Orwell wrote his essay? Can you think of modern examples of how people misuse language? 

– I personally believe that the English language is definitely getting worse and it is worse since the time that Orwell wrote this essay.  Some modern examples are that shown In this world today are, text messaging which leads to bad use of English and not many people would be socializing.  Another example would be rap music because it’s a whole bunch of slang words and terms but together just to they can make it seem like it sounds good.


3.) What do you think of Orwell’s list of rules to improve your writing? 

- I did like those suggestions on to how to improve my writing.  It would be a good future reference when I’m writing my papers.  It would be a good helpful source; many people should read his essay so that they can get a feel of what his writing is like.



Monday, October 20, 2008

In the News - U.S close to $1 trillion Deficit. What to do now

ap_debt_clock_02_081017_mn.jpgIn the united states today we now have an estimated $1 trillion dollar deficit.  Since we were trying to rescue and to try to save the banking system we have fallen into this deficit which is very high at this point in time.  This means that the next president and so future presidents are going to have to raise taxes in order to pay off this deficit that the United states government has out itself in.  If you were to look at it in other terms for how much each household would have to pay up and it would pile on an extra $8,620 of federal debt.  I do not think people in this day in age, especially with this economy the way it is going has the money to just give away like that.  This world has to seriously bounce back from all it's problems in the last couple of years if it expects us to survive financially in it.  The US government has made a three year plan for it and the first year a lone, the United states of america and the US treasury might spend $400 Billion dollars, which is a lot of money.


1.) In your opinion, what do you think the US government should do in order to stabilize the economy to not be in such a huge deficit?

2.) Do you believe that taxes should be raised in order to pay back the debt that we are in?

3.) If you were president of the United States in January of 2009, what would you do in order to solve this deficit problem?

Thursday, October 16, 2008

In The News #6...Religious Art.


-I think that would be very interesting, but at the same time I feel that many people are going to be very opposed to it. The reason I think that is because someone might not want all religious sculptures sitting there. But I do think its very Interesting but I'm not sure if I would like it there.
-I feel like other religions should be able if the whole point of it for others to present and show people there religious art, but like I said before I feel as if people are going to get upset that a lot of art is being displayed by different cultures and religion.

-I feel as if it should be unconstitutional because I feel like it's never going to happen. Many people are going to fight and have arguments over it, even though I kind of think that it could work but at the same time I'm not really sure how it would go.

-I feel as if no one can display their religious art then no one should be able to display their religious art. That just wouldn't be fair to the people that want to, but since there would be too much controversy over it, many people just don't do it.