Thursday, October 16, 2008

In The News #6...Religious Art.


-I think that would be very interesting, but at the same time I feel that many people are going to be very opposed to it. The reason I think that is because someone might not want all religious sculptures sitting there. But I do think its very Interesting but I'm not sure if I would like it there.
-I feel like other religions should be able if the whole point of it for others to present and show people there religious art, but like I said before I feel as if people are going to get upset that a lot of art is being displayed by different cultures and religion.

-I feel as if it should be unconstitutional because I feel like it's never going to happen. Many people are going to fight and have arguments over it, even though I kind of think that it could work but at the same time I'm not really sure how it would go.

-I feel as if no one can display their religious art then no one should be able to display their religious art. That just wouldn't be fair to the people that want to, but since there would be too much controversy over it, many people just don't do it.

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