Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Active Reading pg 158

1.)  1.) The way that I would revise my essay from using Murray’s elements for writing would be, I would go back and look on how I wrote it, depending on if the audience would understand it.  Also, I would make sure that my structure would be a good one and to not have it all choppy.  I would also check that I have good and valid information that makes sense and that the audience will understand the meaning of the paper.

2.)  2.) Yes I did read my essay a loud to myself and let me say that when reading it out loud you really do find all the mistakes while you listen to yourself read it.  I was able to find run on sentences as well as forgetting the commas, so it definitely does help to read your work out loud to make sure it sounds good enough.

3.) In my opinion it doesn’t really influence me more, it just helps me understand it better when a writer uses other people’s quotes.  The way it helps me out its that he uses other information to prove his points, so I understand it better then if he didn’t do what he did

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