Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Ch 8.; Cohen Active Reading

1.) According to Cohen, his properties of men's relationships are that men would lie either about something or about someone to not look or feel embarrassed.  They would act as they have done something but they really have not.  An example would be, men acting like they have sex all the time with their wife's, even though they don't even have a sex life at all.  They act like it or they don't say anything so it makes it out like they do. He doesn't think that these properties are a real definition of friendship because that's not how your supposed to act around your friends.  Your supposed to tell the truth and not have to act a certain way so that you are not known as "that person" per-say.  

2.) The fundamental distinctions that cohen makes between men and women are, men act a totally different way then women.  Men act like there big muscular guys who can't show weakness at all and who talk to there friends about sex like they do it all the time, when in fact they probably do not.  For women they usually talk about fulfillment and they admit to things unlike men.  He classifies men and women different.  He classifies men as guys who act different when there around there friends.  And women just like they are honest and will admit things..  Yes I do agree with this classification because men do act like that all the time.  They make it out like they are better then everyone meanwhile they have no idea what they are talking about half the time.

3.) I do  feel that his argument would be stronger if he would have used specific men, because then we the reader would know exactly who he was relating to, even though I can see the argument being a good one even though he doesn't name any specific men.  The risks about generalizing human behavior is that its bad in many ways because for the most part people are just taking stereotypes or actions that happen and talk about them, even though they don't know if it's true.  

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