Monday, September 15, 2008

"I Believe" Draft 1

“I Believe” In Karma

            I carry my conscience around everywhere I go.  My belief is in karma.  Ever since I was able to understand what karma was and how it was thought about among people, I think it’s something serious to have a belief in karma.   What is Karma?  Karma is a belief, when someone does something that they are not supposed to do; they think that bad luck will occur or something unwanted will occur as well.   I would always be around my friends doing our own thing when they do something wrong and I say to myself, that they shouldn’t be doing that its just going to come back at them.

            When I was a lifeguard at home for the summer my co-workers would sometimes mock save me in the water, (which is a practice save that another lifeguard makes upon you) which I personally do not like.  After I was mocked in the water that day my friends comes up to me and says, “you should so mock him back”.  I replied saying “why would I do that, that’s just stupid because I didn’t want it done to me so I’m not going to stoop down to the kids level.  In that situation I believed in karma at the time.  I take Karma very seriously.  Sometimes when I think about doing something even though it could be bad, I don’t do it because it might just come back to me one day to bite me in the butt.  I would not want to be doing something bad to someone else if I do not want it done to myself.  Believing in Karma takes a lot because it’s all about thinking of it and knowing what it does and what it really is. 

            An incident that occurred to me at home that involved my brother and I.  About 2 years ago I was sitting in my room watching T.V, this was about ten thirty at night.  The next moment I hear my mom calling my name.  I said what mom, she responded telling me to come into the Dining room.  I then got up from my seat and walked into the Dining room and started to talk to my mom on whatever she wanted to tell me.  My brother started to then come into the living room and started to bother me.  I honestly get very frustrated very easily and annoyed easily as well.  So then my brother makes a comment about the topic that my mom and I were talking about.  The comment that my brother had said was very disrespectful and it didn’t appease me at all.  Now if I didn’t believe in Karma I would have definitely come back at him, with something else or with like a comment, but I do believe in Karma.  Now there are certain degrees where karma sometimes doesn’t have any effect on me because if someone does something where it’s over the line I’m obviously not just going to sit there and not do anything. 

            After my brother made that comment I ignored him and continued on with the conversation that I had with my mom.  I did this because I believe in Karma.  If I would have responded back to him or did any bad action I would be stooping to his level and then I would have felt like I would get it back for doing that, even though I didn’t start it in the beginning.  After that occurred my brother then left the room.  He did this because he knew I was not going to respond to his immature comment, and the fact that I didn’t got him very pissed off.  He then had nothing else to say because he knew I was saying nothing, he left the room.  I do believe in Karma so much because I feel that we should not be doing anything that we know is not supposed to done or anything disrespectful, that is why I back down from people’s bad comments and I don’t let them get to me.


Isabella said...

I think it is an interesting subject. But you should have had organized it a little bit better. You repeat several times that you belive in karma. You should have used that sentece toward the end. You give examples to you belief which is good.

dr.mason said...

This is an intetresting topic that readers will be easily drawn to. There's room here to explain how your belief in karam is more than just a beleif in the golden rule or a belief in being non-confrontational. Plenty of people beleive in not being rude or responding to being picked on. How does your belief in karma make your positions against these any different? What kind of universe do you believe we live in if i tis ruled by karma? For instance, are God and karma compatible?

The examples are in some sense negative examples. They're examples of things you didn't do because you believe in karma. But how did you reach your belief in karma? What about its philosophy do you find attractive?

Have you had any experiences where you noticed bad things following bad actions, or good things followin good? Or do you even believe in karma at this micro-level? Perhaps you believe it only affects how you get reincarnated, not things that happen to you in this life.