Monday, September 22, 2008

Pg.108 Questions for Active Reading

1.) The 6 Myths of Creativity was written by Bill Breen, a creative person. In my opinion of the 6 Myths of Creativity I think that everyone has some creative sides to them.  When people are put under pressure or a time limit to have something done, there creativity gets lowered because they do not have the time that they "thought" they would have.  Collaboration is better then competition.  This is because when people are working together either at a job or doing a group project they usually put each others ideas together and work all together, but here they didn't.  Some people don't do that.  They don't help each other and they compete with each other do have the best ideas or the best whatever they are doing.  In my opinion I think that if someone likes there job compared to someone who doesn't that the person who likes there job more will be more creative on there projects or whatever they have to be creative for, they will have creativity inside them. 

2.) She collected about 12,000 daily journals from 238 individuals to do her study of creativity..  She was looking for information on what types of situations increases people's daily creativity or if the creativity level went down.

3.)I would say that the audience for Bill Breen's article is anyone in a work place, that owns a business and also employers.  You see how he talks about competition in he work places.  But I do think that most people are creative in there own little way.

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