Thursday, September 25, 2008

In the News #5

1.) My views on pitbulls versus humans is that I think that some pitbulls are a little to afressive sometimes but I do think that pitbulls shouldn't always be put to sleep because of there action. For humans, it is true they do only get a slap on the rist or some community service but I do want to see in the future less pitbulls being put to sleep.

2.) I do not think that dogs and humans should have the same punishments for equal aggression because humans are smarter than dogs and definitely know right from wrong. Having the same puinishment for a dog and a human wouldn't go so well and it kind of isn't right. A dog does some of it's actions because of the company it has in front of it's face.

3.)I do think that pitbulls are somewhat dangerous but I do not think that they should be banned. They really are such good nice dogs, just for some reason you find some of those bad pitbulls.

4.) I mean seeing some recent pitbull attacks definitely doesn't help my point of view on it but I also think that it happens so I don't really see it changing my ideas on them.

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