Monday, September 8, 2008

Journal #2

What makes the essays you chose compelling?
-I chose the essay "The Guts to keep going". This essay is compelling to me because my grandma had a husband who was always there for her. She did not drive, so instead her husband was the one who drove for her. This really touched me in many ways because it's sad to hear about that and sad to have to watch someone go through that heartbreak. The other essay that i choose that was compelling to me as well was, "The Strange Blessing That Brought Me Home" because it is related to Hurricane Katrina and it has effected so many people it had touched my heart in many ways.
What kinds of stories do they use to showcase their belief?
-The essays that I have read have been expressing the way that they have felt about their heartbreak or there situation that they were in.
What is the tone of each essay and how is it achieved? (funny, serious, reflective, sarcastic, etc.)
-The tone of both essays were very reflective on there parts and very serious because they were dealing with a big matter which was a big deal.
How are the essays similar? How do they differ?
-The way the essays were similar just in the respect that the both have to deal with how someone reacts to a difficult situation in their life. The was they differ is, one is about a reaction to a storm that caused many problems in the future and the other one talked about a close person that passed away and made it difficult for the other person to adjust to their new lifestyle.
Do they follow the writing guidelines provided by the This I Believe organization on their website at
-Yes, both readings follow the guidelines. If not totally then very close to.
What beliefs might you want to write about for project 1? (looking at the categorized list of beliefs at may help you)
-I would pick addiction because I have written about addiction in the past.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Both of the essays you chose were very deep and you had good reasons for choosing them. I think addiction is a very good topic to write about because it is something that is hard to overcome and affects many people around the world.